Pizza + Petes = Affordable Housing!
Join Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region & Oldies 96.7 at Boston Pizza North for a special night in support of affordable homeownership! Including a live-to-air Extra 90.6 Peterborough Petes’ Tailgate Party and special giveaways.
When: November 28, 2019 – 5pm to 9pm
Where: 1164 Chemong Rd., Peterborough
Please RSVP via brittany@habitatpkr.ca or 705-750-1456 ext. 205 with party name, preferred time, and number of guests.
All Proceeds in support of Habitat Peterborough’s affordable 41-Unit Condo Building, on Leahy’s Lane in Peterborough!