
You’re Invited to Build the Beyond

You are invited to Build the Beyond with Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region on October 28, 2020.

Making a gift to a charity in your will is a subject many Canadians are not sure how to broach. Habitat for Humanity Canada wants to help you demystify the process and learn how you can leave a philanthropic legacy that may exceed what you can afford to give now.

Our panel of prominent Canadian planned giving and wealth management experts will share best practices from their own experience. They will help you understand the financial and emotional benefits of this type of philanthropy. You will also have the opportunity to have your questions answered by our experts.

Learning Objectives:
Through this webinar, attendees will:

  • gain a better understanding of various ways to make a legacy or planned gift
  • become familiar with various legal and financial instruments of Legacy Giving
  • be aware of the financial and emotional benefits of this type of philanthropic giving
  • be inspired to consider making a legacy gift in support of Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region

Who can attend?
This special webinar on October 28, 2020, is open to donors, volunteers, and supporters of Habitat for Humanity’s work across Canada.

Register Here

For more info contact donate@habitatpkr.ca or call 705-750-1456.