Meet Ariel & Hugo – Leahy’s Lane Phase 2

Home to me means an oasis of safety, love, comfort and a source of pride
Ariel and her son Hugo live in an old and beautiful downtown building that is now in a poor deteriorating condition. Like many families in the City of Peterborough, the rising rental costs and increasingly high-interest rates for housing made the opportunity of finding an alternative affordable home to rent or buy feel far out of reach.
“As a single parent with a single income, affordability is so essential to my family, yet it is such a challenge in today’s climate. I was unable to envision being able to ever move,” shares Ariel.
However, after being encouraged by a co-worker to attend one of Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region’s Virtual Homeownership Information Sessions, Ariel found out she met the eligibility requirements for the Affordable Homeownership Program and made the decision to apply.
It seemed like a great opportunity to secure a future beyond the present moment
A few months later, Ariel was overjoyed to find out that she had been selected to become a homeowner of a Phase 2 Leahy’s Lane Condo.
Becoming a Habitat homeowner allows a family to grow in strength and self-reliance by allowing them to root themselves in the strong foundation of affordable homeownership. A safe place to call home and an affordable mortgage helps homeowners save more, invest in education, pursue new opportunities, and have more financial stability.
Buying a home is really going to change mine and my son’s future. To live in a quiet and safe neighborhood, learn about homeownership responsibilities, accrue equity and build our family’s economic capacity will be life changing
As part of the Habitat Homeownership Program, Habitat homeowners must complete at least 500 volunteer hours before they move into their home, in addition to completing workshops to help prepare them for homeownership. Ariel and Hugo plan to complete their 500 homeowner volunteer hours through the Habitat ReStore, at a local seniors’ focused agency and at special Habitat fundraising events.
And once the construction of their new home is completed, and they move in, what will they do first?
“For the first time in nine years, we will get to eat a meal together at our kitchen table instead of the living room,” beams Ariel.
Being a single parent of an only child, I’ve had to really rely on myself. With this support from Habitat and a connection to a movement and a community, a sense of belonging and hope is taking hold!
Interested in learning more about Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region’s homeownership program? Click here.