Habitat PKR Receives EPC Certificate of Appreciation for Employment Program Success

Posted: 09-Jul-2024

Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region has been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Employment Planning & Counselling Peterborough (EPC) for supporting their Employment Services. This honour highlights Habitat PKR’s commitment to providing meaningful employment opportunities and fostering personal growth within the community!

A prime example of this successful partnership is Autumn, a former EPC participant who now thrives as one of our valued employees at the Habitat ReStore. Initially joining the team through an eight-week placement, Autumn’s dedication and enthusiasm for her role soon grew into an employment opportunity.

Reflecting on her experience, Autumn shared, “I love working with the people here; it’s like a big work family. Being part of the ReStore team has helped me develop my communication skills so much – I used to isolate myself and would always keep my head down but now I feel confident and changed for the better!”

I love working with the people here; it’s like a big work family. Being part of the ReStore team has helped me develop my communication skills so much – I used to isolate myself and would always keep my head down but now I feel confident and changed for the better!

The ReStore Managers are proud of Autumn’s progress in her personal and professional development and her contributions to the team! She is a joy to have on shift, and her story is an example of the positive impact that non-profits like Habitat PKR and EPC Peterborough have on individuals in the local community.

Thank you EPC Peterborough, for the work that you do and for the celebration of our partnership through this award!