Help Habitat PKR Raise $20,000 for 20 Years

Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region is a local non-profit organization that builds and rehabilitates decent and affordable homes, from single-family houses to multi-unit developments.
We partner with local families, individuals, couples, and seniors offering a hand-up through affordable homeownership, giving them the ability to build strength, stability, and self-reliance.
Homeownership provides a solid foundation for families to build brighter, more prosperous futures. Better, affordable living conditions lead to improved health, stronger childhood development, and the ability to achieve financial stability.
After 20 years of service, with the support of our donors, volunteers, community partners, and trades, Habitat PKR has helped 82 families into affordable homeownership in the Peterborough & Kawartha Region. As we look to the next 20 years, we know there is much more to build.
You have the power to change the lives of families in your community through affordable housing.
Because everyone deserves a safe and decent place to live.
On our 20th anniversary, help us raise $20,000 to help more local families have a decent and affordable place to call home by sponsoring a box today.
Give today to our Giving Box campaign.
It’s simple: there are 200 squares numbered 1 to 200. Choose a square that hasn’t been purchased yet, and donate that dollar amount. If all 200 squares get purchased, we will together raise $20,100!
Much to celebrate. More to build.