National Housing Day

We know that safe and decent housing has the power to change individual lives and transform communities by supporting stable employment, better health outcomes, and increased access to educational opportunities, as well as the security and prosperity of our communities.
Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region recognizes the urgent need for solutions across the housing system – from emergency shelter, to rental, to affordable homeownership. Together, we must look Beyond the Build, to what safe and decent housing can do for families, communities, and our country.
What does it mean to go Beyond the Build? Going Beyond the Build means recognizing that everyone has the right to a safe and decent place to live, and that it benefits all of us when they do.
It means mobilizing around the people, organizations and ideas that will drive solutions to Canada’s affordable housing crisis and the creation of a robust and healthy housing system. It means calling on all governments to prioritize decisions that can provide safe and decent housing for the almost 1.7 million families in this country who face core housing need.
At Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region, we believe that investing in affordable housing and homeownership will build stronger futures for families, communities, and our entire country – from coast to coast to coast. That’s why we’re looking #BeyondTheBuild, to how decent housing fosters resilience and stability that can transcend generations.
On #NationalHousingDay (Monday November 22nd), we are calling on Canadians, and leaders like you to show your support by pledging to go Beyond the Build with us. Sign up here to show your support for affordable housing and to learn more about how we can ensure those living in Canada have access to safe and decent housing, and the opportunities that brings.