Susan Zambonin Wins Jack Peirson’s President Award at the PKHBA Housing Design Awards

Posted: 29-Apr-2024

A huge congratulations to Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region’s CEO, Susan Zambonin for winning the Jack Peirson’s President Award at the 2023 Peterborough & The Kawartha Housing Building Association (PKHBA) Housing Design Awards. The recognition, which PKHBA President, Jennifer Hurd presented at the recent award ceremony, recognizes individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the homebuilding industry and supported the local associations.

Jennifer Hurd honoured Susan Zambonin, stating the following:

The Jack Peirson Award honours an individual who has made outstanding contributions to our homebuilding industry and supported the local association. It is my pleasure to present this award to Susan Zambonin of Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region for her dedication to housing for everyone. Susan has been an exceptional leader in her collaborative efforts to promote home ownership in our community. Susan has supported PKHBA as a volunteer board member, committee member and an essential force in growing the annual Charity Auction event from $8,000 in revenue to over $40,000. Susan is a driving force in housing creation and building partnerships in our community

Congratulations Susan Zambonin for earning this well-deserved award!