The Power of One Volunteer

You’ve heard us talk about our amazing volunteers a lot. And there is very good reason for this. Volunteer support is critical to our abilities to build affordable housing in your local communities. Without them, we couldn’t help local families and individuals built strength, stability, and self-reliance through affordable homeownership.
Case in point: Harry Pearson has been a long-standing volunteer with Habitat for Humanity Peterborough & Kawartha Region. His remarkable dedication, kindness, and INCREDIBLE talents have been instrumental to our work. Harry has taken a leadership role on numerous Habitat builds across the Region and generously worked with and trained numerous volunteers in helping to build decent, affordable homes for local families in need of a hand-up. Most recently, he built (and donated) an entire kitchen cabinet set to a new Bobcaygeon Habitat homeowner, Buffy.
Harry’s kindness shines through in his handiwork because,
owning a home is much more than just a structure.
These cabinets will be filled with food and nourishment for Buffy and her family for years to come. It’s where they’ll keep their favourite mug for their morning coffee and the dish set for their Sunday night family dinners.
Thanks, Harry for going above and beyond to ensure that more local families can have access to a safe, decent, and affordable home. Volunteers like you, are the heart of Habitat Peterborough & Kawartha Region, and the driving force, both on the front lines and behind the scenes, of everything we do. THANK YOU!