What the heck is that? – a small distraction while socially distancing

We know everyone is looking for new, socially distant things to do right now. So are we! So take a break from the news for a minute and come play with us – virtually of course.
We came up with a game we like to call ReStore Thingamajigs.
Here’s how to play: At all three of our ReStores in the Peterborough and Kawartha Region, we regularly receive interesting and unique donated items (Thank you!).
Starting today, we will start posting pictures of some of these ReStore Thingamajigs on our social channels for everyone to see.
Can you guess what they are?
Frankly, we aren’t even sure about a few of them.
But we know that they will be a treasure for someone once the ReStores re-open again (as soon as it is safe to do so)!
Once the guessing is closed, we will post the correct answer and share some of the funny, creative answers you all came up with.
Since all of the ReStores are currently closed due to COVID-19, to keep the game going, send us pictures of some of the unique or wacky things you’re finding in your basement, attic, and garage while you’re stuck inside, and we’ll add them to the game! Send photos and info to: info@habitatpkr.ca.
Plus, if you’d like to put those items aside to donate to the Habitat ReStore once it reopens, we’d GREATLY appreciate it. Click here for more information on which items the ReStore can accept.
Good luck and we’re excited to see all of your creative guesses!
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