World Habitat Day

More than 30 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly took an important step in promoting the idea that everyone deserves a decent place to live by declaring that the first Monday in October would be World Habitat Day.
World Habitat Day is a day to reflect on the state of towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. The day is also intended to remind the world that everyone has the power and the responsibility to shape the future of towns and cities.
This year’s theme “Mind the Gap. Leave No One and Place Behind”, will look at the problem of growing inequality and challenges in cities and human settlements.
Habitat for Humanity’s model of affordable homeownership bridges the gap for low-income, working families and individuals, by providing them with the opportunity to purchase their own homes.
The housing crisis in the country is going out of control. In Ontario, according to the Ontario Home Builders Association, one million homes will need to be built over the next decade. And across our community, rents are escalating faster than renters’ incomes. The current rental vacancy rate in the Peterborough & Kawartha Region is less than 1%.
There is a need to invest in affordable housing projects. According to the Canadian Federation of Municipalities, every dollar invested in housing results in $1.40 in economic growth. Every $1 invested in a Habitat for Humanity build produces $4 worth of social benefit.
On Monday, October 5, join us for World Habitat Day and year-round by lifting your voice to help people in need of decent and affordable housing.
Decent, affordable housing removes barriers to opportunity, success, and health that might have been part of an individual’s life for years, and in many cases for generations.
Please donate by clicking here or email to lend your time. Because every one deserves a decent place to live.